Support!!... Its more Important than we think

Imagine having the support of the community that you reside in or grew up in, support is a major important factor that should not be ignored in life. Most successful people have had some form of a support system in their life, entirely or at least partially but without question they had it. Support is more important than we think, by definition means to bear all or part of the weight of; hold up. "the dome was supported by a hundred white columns" or a thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright. "the best support for a camera is a tripod" Either as a verb or noun basically its assistance that we all can use from time to time especially in times where things in life get rough or the pressures get too much to carry or bear alone. Support comes in many different forms from many different people and sources from the time of birth throughout our entire lives. Parents, caregivers, family, friends, counselors, teachers and so ...