Who I am

I am many things wrapped up in one, I am who I am
What can I say
I think different move different
Most misunderstood 
So Im going to tell you myself
I been through alot since I touched this earth.
By the time I was 30, life as I knew it ended, and my journey began.
I shut myself down alot especially when I dont know how to react.
I still stuggle internally with some things but Im fully aware of all my flaws
Im a constant work in progress.
No 1 person knows me in totality 
I will create a "Lets Talk" group at some point or something else
where I can have open conversations
about real life issues with real people. I plan to tell ALL there so if you
want to join me drop your email address in the box above on the page.
I have to protect the identity of people Im not doing this to cause
harm to anyone this is how In going to strip these layers off and get to the core.
This is not done there is still more on "Who I Am" to come...Stay in tune


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