Don't judge me you don't know what I been thru..

Don't judge me you don't know what I been thru.. You don't know me I don't know you so how can you judge me based on someone elses point of view. You don't know the who what when where how or why you don't know what puts a smile on my face or what makes me cry. You don't know if I'm on the edge grabbing for anything to get by your mind ain't mine and you should take a look inside how many times I have to say this in how many ways can I explain it you mad at the truth which is you don't like you or anything you do its obvious you can't hide your actions prove you make haters moves.. I spare feelings because my focus is higher I'm not perfect I'm not in denial I slice and dice with this tongue of mine words have power far be it from me to deny I just choose to keep it kool Follow on TwiTTeR @mahagony Poetry http:// #read #words #literary #poetry #writer #reading #po...